Guide to Filing for Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Virginia 


Bankruptcy is a legal procedure designed to provide people a fresh start after financial difficulties. If you’ve looked at all of your options and still can’t see a way out of your debt, bankruptcy might be the best option for you. However, every state has different formalities and protocols to follow before filing for bankruptcy, and the same goes with Virginia State.

If you have doubts about Chapter 13 and Chapter 7 you can always seek help from a few established local and experienced Virginia Beach bankruptcy law firms such as the Law Offices of John W. Lee, P.C. Our long-term staff of lawyers have 70 years of combined experience in bankruptcy legal matters. They provide affordable, fast, and quality service to all Hampton Roads residents. Whether it is by phone, mail, or face-to-face, they are always friendly with their clients and make them comfortable even in the toughest of situations.

Now that you have decided to file for bankruptcy, you need to follow these few steps to end the process seamlessly –

Credit Counseling Class

You should complete a compulsory credit counseling session with a government-approved credit counseling service within the six months leading up to your bankruptcy filing. After you’ve completed the course, you’ll be given a certificate that you should submit with your bankruptcy petition.

Collect Bankruptcy Form from Hampton Office 

You will require various documents for your Hampton bankruptcy forms, like the vehicle’s certificate of title or your home’s registered deed. Different papers you’d like or records you’re likely to encounter daily, such as your pay remnant or mortgage statement.

File Bankruptcy Petition in Court

After you’ve completed your petition and supporting documents, you’ll need to file it in the appropriate Virginia district court. The Newport News Division of the US Bankruptcy Court is where Hampton residents should file their Virginia bankruptcy petition, schedules, and statements. Include each copy of your Hampton bankruptcy paperwork along with your filing fee and proof of credit counseling.

Attend 341 Meeting 

You’ll be required to attend a 341 meeting, often known as a “creditors meeting,” several weeks after filing for bankruptcy. The conference can be led by the bankruptcy trustee assigned to your case, who will ask you questions concerning the information you supplied on your bankruptcy paperwork. Creditors may also attend the hearing to ask you questions. 

Complete Debt Management Course

You should take a debt management course, 45 days after your creditors’ meeting. This is frequently not the same as the credit direction you are taking before filing. The bankruptcy court may dismiss your case if you do not complete the category and submit your certificate of completion on time.

After completing all duties and meetings follow the lead related to the Chapter you filed under. Once you are done with all formalities you can take a deep breath and start fresh.

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