Choosing between dental implants and dentures: Check this guide


Your confidence and self-esteem can take a hit when you have lost a few teeth due to decay or injuries. However, replacing your missing teeth is not about aesthetics alone. There are other factors, including your ability to chew and speak normally, that must be considered. There are many options, and in this post, we will discuss various aspects of Floral Park, NY dental implants , and dentures.

Understanding dentures

Dentures are removable dental appliances that can help replace missing teeth. If you have lost teeth on an entire arch or in a row, dentures are a good option. In fact, dentures are one of the oldest options available. When it comes to comparing dentures with dental implants, you must understand that the former cannot prevent bone loss. Also, dentures can slip and move around in the mouth, which adds to the inconvenience. With dentures, you still have concerns related to infections and tooth decay.

However, dentures are still popular among patients who have weak jaws or do not qualify for implants. Dentures need care and must be replaced after a point.

Understanding dental implants

A dental implant is a replacement tooth root that is placed inside the jawbone. The procedure requires oral surgery. With dental implants, you have a strong base for your replacement teeth and do not have to worry about further bone loss. Also, the procedure has a high success rate of 97%, and you don’t have to replace your implants. The replacement teeth, in the form of crowns, bridges, or implant-supported dentures, are connected to dental implants using abutments.

There are a few aspects of dental implants that you must understand. Firstly, if you have lost bone mass, you must sign up for a grafting procedure first. Once the healing is complete, your implants will be placed inside the gums in the jawbone, and the recovery period could be considerably long. You cannot get replacement teeth until the implants are secured.

What’s better?

If you qualify for dental implants, that’s always a better option than dentures, as the results are permanent. With dental implants, you don’t have to worry about your face sagging. Of course, your dentist will explain the pros and cons in detail, including the risks of surgery. Top dental practices in Floral Park offer all options, and it is best to discuss all details before you agree to either. Ask your dentist about the cost of implants in advance.

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